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Wednesday 24 October 2012

Pakistan Is Safe For International Cricket

Sri lankan cricketers per attack kay baad Pakistan mien itnernational cricket ek almost near halt per agayi thi.Magar ab dobara itnay saaloun kay baad international cricket nay Pakistan ki taraf qadam bharhaye .aur Invitiation accept ki Pakistan anay ki.
PCB has distanced itself from the matches, to be played on Saturday and Sunday in Karachi, saying the board had only provided the venue and made players available, insisting security was the responsibility of the organiser.
Maybe yeh ek naya start hai to the international cricket in Pakistan.
“I am happy to be part of these matches,” Jayasuriya told reporters on his arrival. “It depends on country to country (whether they tour Pakistan) but in my opinion Pakistan is a safe country.
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